Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Addiction is addiction stupid

I go to the dr's office. He checks me up and down and sometimes inside and out. If there happens to be an issue he will prescribe some sort of something for my cough or cramps or whatever.

When I was preggers with my daughter I actually had an eardrum bust. I went to the E.R. cause that bitch hurt! Actually I went because, well, bleeding from your ears is a scary thing.

As I layed in the bed and checked the Dr. out, ummm sorry, I mean the dr checked me out. (slip?) He wrote me a prescription for some antibiotic or something other for the infection and then said to me: would you like a prescription for the pain? Being my first pregnancy I was a bit over protective and I responded with OMG didn't i tell you I am pregnant???? He laughed and said yeah you mentioned it a few times but I can still give you something. Well I have a pretty good tolerance for pain so I politely declined and told him I could always take Tylenol if I feel I need too.

That was it. I totally put it out of my mind till .... NOW! Or rather till lately. Blame it on the fact that I am now addicted to the TV show Intervention. That and the fact that a couple of years after Stina was born some shall I call them people, yes people, and I use the term loosely, came into my life.

It then came to my attention that this person in particular is so addicted to pain killers and dopey feeling drugs that (Instead of using he or she I will say IT,) It would not only go to several doctors in a couple of states to obtain these pain killers. Yet this person does not or will not admit to having an addiction.

In my opinion, and we all know what that is worth.. nothing, this addiction is no differernt from cocaine, crack, or meth. Just because IT does not go to a house and sit and smoke from a crack pipe all day does not make a difference. These prescription pills are just the same as crack when abused.

The pill popper is a junkie too! I think a junkie is someone who has to have something. HAS to have it! If you think you need that pain killer or pain killers the first thing in the morning then you are just as addicted as the person who stands on a corner waiting to buy Meth at 5 am. Maybe this person should get off its lazy ass walk around a bit and wait to see if there is any pain. Not just assume there will be pain eventually so pop goes the pills.

Now there is NOT a damn thing these dr's can do about it. Especially if they are in different states. It is not a case of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing, it's a case of the addict breaking the law. The meth head might steal from family and friends for a fix but IT is perpatrating a crime too...

I have my addiction too. I know it's not easy to quit. I smoke. I have tried to quit several several times and always end up worse then I was before, feeling like i have to make up for lost time. I should clarify.. for those who don't know me.. I smoke cigarettes nicotine only. I am not judging anyone really. I know everyone has their crosses to carry but it is my blog and I really can write what I want on here. If you think I am talking about you, YOU ARE PARANOID from all the drugs you take lmao.

Tune in later in the week to read about how there is always a bit of truth behind every allagation. I will learn to spell it before then i promise.


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